Saturday, March 12, 2011


Ever since I got to Australia there have been name tags everywhere. At church they have sticky labels with names printed on them, and blank ones for guests to write their own. As you go into the room where the service is held you pass the name tag table so you can sticker yourself before going in.

At FOCUS public meetings with international students we have the same kind, as well as at the big public meetings with the whole AFES group.

And then at Bible college where I live, students are also required to wear name tags at this time of year. Its handy as I've met lots of people and can't remember all their names, and there are a few hundred at college, and mostly I meet them once and never see them again.

In Cambodia you don't need to know people's name so much (i think), you just need to know their age, so you can work out what to call them. If a woman is older than my mum, I would call her Om (old auntie), if she is younger than my mum I would call her Ming (young aunt). If she's around my age I would just call her Bong, like older sister, etc etc.

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